Pitzer正在寻找对艺术充满热情的学生, 人文学科, 自然科学和社会科学,有学术天赋, 求知好学, 自我激励,积极参与高中和社区的活动. 我们想要一个能反映不同经济背景的学生群体, 少数民族, 种族和地域多样性. 另外, we are looking for students who are interested in challenging themselves in and out of the classroom and who want to use their education to make a difference while they are here and after they graduate.
我听说值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台大学提供非考试录取程序. 这是怎么做到的?
Pitzer College uses a holistic approach to student admission with emphasis placed on high school transcripts, 推荐信, 领导职位, 工作经历, 参与学校和社区活动, 以及对匹泽核心价值观的承诺. 这所学院完全不需要考试, providing students the opportunity to present application material that accurately reflects their diverse academic talents and potential. 学生 can submit either the SAT or the ACT by the application deadline if they feel like their results best-represent their academic potential. The admission committee makes no assumptions as to why some students choose to submit scores while others don’t. 在录取过程中,所有学生都得到了平等的考虑. 阅读更多值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台我们的可选测试政策.
对于一年级和转学生来说,面试是完全可选的. Pitzer的面试既能提供信息,又能进行评估. It is really a time for a member of the admission staff to get to know you better and for you to learn more about Pitzer College. 面试的机会很多:
- 如果你打算参观匹泽,你可以安排一次校园面试
- 您可以在方便的时候通过电话或Skype安排面试时间.
提前录取I的面试截止日期是11月15日 . 提前决定II的面试截止日期是12月15日. 常规录取的面试截止日期是12月15日. 所有新资源(23岁以上)的学生必须在4月1日之前面试.
Our commitment is to meet 100% of every admitted student’s demonstrated need through a financial aid package that will include grants, 勤工俭学和贷款. Over forty percent of our current students receive financial aid and Pitzer commits over eight million dollars of its own resources annually to ensure that students with demonstrated need can take advantage of a Pitzer education.
Pitzer致力于提高个人成长,同时建立社区. 学生 are given academic freedom and flexibility to create their own academic 项目 in close collaboration with faculty members. 而不是传统的核心需求, 学生根据一套独特的教育目标选择课程. 学术自由与强调跨文化理解相结合, 环境可持续性, interdisciplinary learning and social and ethical responsibility make the Pitzer experience truly unique.
Pitzer is a comprehensive liberal arts and sciences college and our students have a wide variety of academic interests. Pitzer最受欢迎的专业是:
- 英语 & 世界文学
- 特殊/自行设计
- 英语 & 世界文学
- 人类学
- 人类生物学
You may apply to Pitzer without declaring a major and you are not required to declare until the beginning of your junior year. 然而, 我们强烈建议学生在大二结束前申报, 特别是如果他们计划出国留学.
是的. The flexibility of our curriculum allows students to double major in some subjects or design majors that combine two or more areas of study. 学生 work closely with faculty advisors to ensure they are meeting the objectives of a given major, 所有专业都要经过值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的批准. Pitzer的学生毕业时选择了自主设计的专业,如:替代医学、哲学 & society; urban justice studies and climate toxicology.
是的. 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的教员负责学院的学术指导. 在课程开始之前,您将被分配给指导老师. Your faculty adviser will work individually with you to formulate a plan to meet Pitzer’s educational objectives, 你的主要目标和个人学术目标. 如果你是一个未申报的专业, you will be assigned to an advisor based on the academic interests you listed on your application for admission. 当你的学术兴趣发生变化时,你可以自由地更换导师,直到你选定了一个专业. 您还可以自由添加任何其他顾问.
在AP考试中表现优异的学生可能会被授予学分. 标准因专业分组而异,但分数不低于4分将被视为学分. 在一般情况下, 成绩达到4分可获得该课程的部分学分,成绩达到5分可获得全部学分. 点击这里阅读更多.
Pitzer has the distinction of having one of the highest participation rates of study abroad in the nation. 2012年5月毕业的学生中,超过73%的人参加了出国留学项目, 而且大多数选择西欧和英语世界以外的课程. Pitzer College offers six community-based 项目 and 57 domestic and inter国家 exchange 项目. Pitzer’s community-based 项目 maintain a focused connection to the Pitzer curriculum and offer distinctive opportunities for developing higher degrees of intercultural understanding and social responsibility. 大多数学生在大三的时候参加出国留学项目. 欲了解更多有关留学的具体信息,请访问 留学网站.
This is a joint program between Pitzer College and Western University of Health Sciences which normally consists of three years of full-time studies at Pitzer College and four years at Western University. 在7年结束的时候, students will be granted both a Bachelor’s of Arts degree and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. 每个学生将有两名指导教师,分别来自每个学院. 在比萨, students will meet the College’s educational objectives and all premed requirements prior to beginning their studies at Western University. 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的学生在华盛顿大学学习自然科学. M. 凯克科学中心,一流的设施与教师致力于本科教育. 要继续这个课程,学生必须达到最低平均绩点3.2 .在非科学课程上.在他们的科学课程中, a minimum total of 24 on the scored sub-测试s of the MCAT and demonstrate personal dedication and traits suitable for health professionals. 学生在高中高年级时申请这个项目.
Academic interchange among the undergraduate colleges and Claremont’s graduate institutions provides opportunities for curricular enrichment and active membership in the wider community of the Claremont Colleges. 一般来说,第一学期的新生会在自己的学校注册所有的课程. 在第二学期和大二时,他们每学期可以在校外修一门课. Juniors and seniors are able to register for no more than one-half of their total program outside their college of residence.
48%的校园建筑获得了LEED白金或黄金认证. Pitzer could ultimately be the first college in the country to have all LEED Platinum or Gold-certified residence halls. In 2007, Pitzer完成了三个全新的宿舍楼,获得了美国LEED的金牌认证.S. 绿色建筑委员会. 阿瑟顿, 桑伯恩和值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台宿舍主要是一年级学生宿舍, 不过也有一些高年级学生的房间. 这些建筑将学生安置在双人间,两个房间共用一个浴室. 新大楼也有员工公寓和我们的教师居住项目的住房, 我们的绿色自行车计划, 新的收发室, 音乐工作室和艺术画廊. 比萨大厅也是招生办公室的所在地. 你可以通过参观Pitzer 's了解更多值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台新建筑的绿色特征 可持续发展网页. 同样的, 2012年,匹泽新开了四家多功能酒店, LEED白金认证的住宅大厅与灰水系统的结合. Pitzer College requires that all full-time students (except those granted off campus permission) live on campus and enter into a residency agreement each academic year.
除了新建筑, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的学生可能住在米德, 哪个有六座三层楼高的塔楼, 八人套房. 你会发现中央客厅, 娱乐的房间, 厨房和洗衣房设施和小自习室在宿舍. 每个宿舍楼都有一名宿舍楼主任和四到六名宿舍楼助理. 除了, Mead Hall has the Marquis Library which is equipped with basic reference books and where fireside chats take place. While all student rooms are wired for internet access, wireless is also available across the campus.
你会经常发现学生在玩极限飞盘, 在土丘上闲逛,或者参加五学院的艺术展览, 音乐会, 体育赛事和派对. 星期天通常被用作家庭作业日,让学生们补上功课. 学生 occasionally drive into Los Angeles or the surrounding areas to enjoy camping and snowboarding in our local mountains or surfing the Southern California beaches, 都在一小时车程之内.
值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台和克莱蒙特学院没有联谊会制度. 在很大程度上, student life tends to revolve around the activities offered within the Claremont College consortium like sports, 俱乐部, 志愿者项目和社会活动. 在匹泽,学生在所有委员会任职,并在学院的治理中发挥关键作用. 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台学生在社区服务方面也非常活跃. The spirit of involvement extends well beyond the classroom and is the essence of a Pitzer education.
一年级和二年级的学生不允许在校园里开车, 但是所有的学生都可以把自行车带进校园. 我们的绿色自行车计划也让学生有机会借用自行车. 此外,你可以在15-20分钟内步行到五个校区的任何地方. 克莱蒙特村, 拥有商业和娱乐设施, 也在步行距离之内吗. 克莱蒙特学院(Claremont Colleges)有Zip Cars出租服务,学生可以在那里租一小时或一天的车. 高年级学生可以选择开车去学校. 每学期,所有在校园内操作和停放机动车的学生都要缴纳一笔小额费用.